The Independent Tester - Fiona CharlesKayaking – A Metaphor For Testing? - Duncan Nisbet
Wicked Good XPath: a faster JavaScript XPath library - Greg Dennis and Joon Lee
Peripheral Testing: A Type Of Systematic Exploratory Testing - Faisal Qureshi
Fixing Bugs – There’s No Substitute for Experience - Jim Bird
On Testing - Borislav Iordanov
Software Metrics:Threats to Validity - Cem Kaner
Does ATDD really save you time? - John Ferguson Smart
Exploring Exploratory Testing - Part III - Ritu Saxena
Pradeep Soundararajan on the Negative Effects of Enforced Manual Testing - Michael Stal
Bug Tracker Hell - Dalip Mahal
Testing Mobile Apps - Julian Harty
5 simple tips to keep testing simple - Joel Montvelisky
Bad Tests Good Tests - Modification of Global State - TOMEK KACZANOWSKI
8 Best Way for Testing Code Snippets - Vikas
Testing Performance of Mobile Apps-Part 1:How fast can Angry Birds Run? -Newman Yang
Test-Driven Test Code Development-Unit Testing Page Objects MarKus Gaertner
The Art of Testing - Lisa Crispin
Premises of Rapid Software Testing, Part 2 - Michael Bolton
Premises of Rapid Software Testing, Part 3- Michael Bolton
Inject Purpose Into Retrospectives - Marc LöfflerDeath by Agile Fever - Alex Bell
Why You Should Not Estimate in Hours or Days? - Scrumxp
Key Factors for Agile Success - Growing Agile
Why Size? - TCAGLEY
Technical Debt – When Do You Have To Pay It Off? - Jim Bird
Technical Debt: Making the Case - Zac Gery
Acceptance Testing Revisited - James Shore
Moving Beyond Scrum - Todd Charron
Game Accessibility GuidelinesBrowser Accessibility Support - Steve Faulkner
Web Accessibility Testing: What Can be Tested and How - Karl Groves
Security Vulnerabilities for Grown-ups - Vitaly Osipov
A Contrast of Cultures - Adam KnightPasswords are terrible - Ola Bini
Liar, Liar, Bottom-Signer! Signing a Form at the Top Leads to More Honest Answers - Discover Magazine
Why Are Some Things Easier to Forecast Than Others? - Rob J Hyndman
Testing Turtles - Phil Kirkham
Popular tools for website testing - Prashant Chauhan
The Testing Lean Coffee™ Experiment - Lisa Crispin
Ethics 3 - Ethics for testers at KWST2 - Mike Talks
Professional TesterTesting Circus
Tea-Time with Testers
Test Magazine